5 Unique Tips to Stay Lean During the Holidays

5 Unique Tips to Stay Lean During the Holidays

Most people know the basics on how to?maximize fat loss:?Take the right supplements,?drink plenty of water, balance your protein, carbohydrates, and fats, and avoid processed food.

But here are five new ways that may never have even crossed your mind during your quest to lose those unwanted pounds during the holidays. Click through to check them out.

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If you don’t already know what a Tabata interval is, it’s a high-intensity interval training protocol originally created by Japanese researcher Dr. Izumi Tabata. Each Tabata interval consists of 20 seconds of high intensity (as hard as you can possibly go) exercise followed by a 10 second rest. This is repeated for 8 rounds, totaling 4 minutes time. This is one of the simplest and most effective ways to increase your total work capacity in a short amount of time. Strength exercises I like using this method for strength exercises like goblet squats, kettlebell swings, push-ups and TRX rows.

One of the least talked about training methods is workout density, which is the amount of work you do in a given time frame. The greater your density, the greater your caloric expenditure. The best way to increase workout density is to decrease rest periods. The longer you drag out your workout, the less likely you can keep up the intensity.

An easy way to do this is set a time limit of 20-30 minutes, and try to get as much of your workout done in that time frame. Each time you do that workout, try and beat your previous time. So if you’re trying to lose body fat, get out of the mindset that you have to work out for hours and hours. The harder you work in less time, will equate to a higher metabolism, and a much more effective weight loss program. Keep it short and sweet, yet intense.

At the end of every workout I like to include what I call finishers. These are exercises that are short, intense, and very demanding. After a tough full-body workout it always feels good to end your session on a tough, but positive note. This is good both psychologically and physiologically. My favorites are sled pushes and rope training circuits. These exercises are sure to get the heart rate up, and keep your metabolism rocking for the next 12-24 hours after exercise due to the increased oxygen demand that is called EPOC (Exercise Post Oxygen Consumption). EPOC is defined scientifically as, “the recovery of metabolic rate back to pre-exercise levels and can require several minutes for light exercise and several hours for hard intervals.” Essentially, we are looking for activities that keep us burning more calories after the exercise session. Be sure to end your session with a bang to keep your engine burning all day long!

There are many spices that you can use to help foods taste great, but who thought that many had so many health benefits, and could lead to fat loss? Two of my favorites are turmeric (curcumin) and cinnamon. Turmeric can help reduce inflammation, helps detoxify the body, and may aid in fat metabolism and help in weight management. There have been endless studies on turmeric in both a spice and supplement form that help support these claims. Cinnamon is another great tasting spice that can help promote a healthy blood sugar level. In short, if your blood sugar level is off due to not eating often enough, or consuming too many processed carbs, this can lead to excess storage of body fat. Try adding a little cinnamon to help keep your blood sugar level and your metabolism in the right gear.

This is by far the hardest exercise you will have to do. I took this idea from Coach Mike Boyle and it makes sense. Table pushaways simply mean step away from the table and don’t eat too much. The old saying that you can’t out train a bad diet is so true. Intermittent fasting is something to explore if you are having trouble eating too much, or too often. Combine this method with the hard training protocols above, and you will lose fat in no time.?Table pushaways are the hardest exercise of all, since it is more psychological, not physical.


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